Conversion Result:
The conversion result for 38cm to inches is 14.96 inches.
To convert from centimeters (cm) to inches (in), follow these steps:
Step 1: Write down the conversion formula.
1 cm = 0.3937 in
Step 2: Set up a proportion to express the relationship between cm and in.
1 cm / 1 = 0.3937 in / x
Step 3: Cross multiply and solve for x.
1x = 0.3937 in
x = 0.3937 in / 1
x = 0.3937 in
Step 4: Multiply the measurement in cm by the conversion factor.
38 cm * 0.3937 in/ 1 cm = 14.96 in
Step 5: Round the answer to the appropriate number of significant figures.
Since the original measurement, 38 cm, only has two significant figures, the final answer should also have two significant figures. Therefore, the final answer is 14.96 inches.
Step 6: Write the conversion result in the first line using H2 tag.
Conversion Result:
The conversion result for 38cm to inches is 14.96 inches.