To convert 26 cm to inches, we will use the conversion rate of 1 cm = 0.393701 inches.
Step 1: Write down the given measurement, 26 cm.
Step 2: Write the conversion rate, 1 cm = 0.393701 inches.
Step 3: Set up a proportion using these values. The proportion will look like this: 1 cm/0.393701 inches = 26 cm/X inches, where X represents the unknown inches value we are trying to find.
Step 4: Solve for X by cross-multiplying. This means we multiply 1 cm by X and 0.393701 inches by 26. The equation will look like this: 1 cm * X = 0.393701 inches * 26 cm.
Step 5: Simplify the equation and solve for X. In this case, we can cancel out the units of centimeters and be left with inches. The equation now looks like this: X = 0.393701 * 26.
Step 6: Use a calculator to solve for X. The answer will be in inches.
X = 10.236626 inches.
Step 7: Round the answer to the desired number of decimal places. In this case, we will round to the nearest hundredth, which means our final answer is 10.24 inches.
Therefore, 26 cm is equal to 10.24 inches. Remember to always check your final answer and make sure it makes sense. Congrats, you have successfully converted 26 cm to inches!