To convert 38cm to inches, you will need to use the conversion factor of 1 inch = 2.54 cm. This means that for every 1 inch there are 2.54 cm. To convert from cm to inches, we need to divide the number of centimeters by 2.54.
Step 1: Write down the given value
In this case, our given value is 38cm.
Step 2: Set up the conversion factor
We know that 1 inch = 2.54 cm. This means that our conversion factor is 1/2.54 or simply 0.3937. We will use this conversion factor to convert 38cm to inches.
Step 3: Set up the equation
Since we are converting from cm to inches, we will put 38cm as the numerator (top number) and 0.3937 as the denominator (bottom number). This will give us the equation: 38cm/0.3937.
Step 4: Solve the equation
To solve this equation, we will simply divide 38 by 0.3937. This can be done either by hand or by using a calculator. After performing the division, we get a result of approximately 96.519 inches.
Step 5: Round off the answer (optional)
Since we are dealing with unit conversions, it is common to round off the answer to a reasonable number of decimal places. In this case, we can round off 96.519 inches to 96.5 inches.
Step 6: Write down the final answer
The final answer is 38cm is equal to 96.5 inches (rounded off to one decimal place). Therefore, 38cm = 96.5 inches.
Alternatively, you can also use an online unit converter for a quick and accurate conversion. Simply input the value of 38cm and select the output unit as inches. The converter will automatically give you the result of 96.519 inches.
In conclusion, to convert 38cm to inches, we used the conversion factor of 1 inch = 2.54 cm and divided the given value by 0.3937. The final answer is 96.5 inches (rounded off to one decimal place). Always remember to set up the equation and double check your conversions for accuracy.