To convert meters to feet, you can use the following conversion factor:
1 meter = 3.28084 feet
So, to convert 1.54 meters to feet, you would multiply 1.54 by 3.28084:
1.54 meters * 3.28084 feet/meter = 5.052 feet
Therefore, 1.54 meters is equal to 5.052 feet.
Step-by-step instructions to convert weight values:
1. Determine the conversion factor between the two units you are converting (e.g. 1 meter = 3.28084 feet).
2. Multiply the value in the original unit by the conversion factor to get the value in the desired unit (e.g. 1.54 meters * 3.28084 feet/meter = 5.052 feet).
3. Make sure to include the appropriate units in your final answer.
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