To convert miles per gallon (mpg) to kilometers per liter (km/l), you can follow these step-by-step instructions:
Step 1: Understand the conversion factors
– 1 mile is equal to approximately 1.60934 kilometers.
– 1 gallon is equal to approximately 3.78541 liters.
Step 2: Set up the conversion equation
– The conversion equation for converting mpg to km/l is: km/l = (mpg * 1.60934) / 3.78541.
Step 3: Plug in the given value for mpg into the equation
– Let’s say you have a value of 30 mpg. Substitute this value into the equation:
km/l = (30 * 1.60934) / 3.78541.
Step 4: Perform the calculation
– Multiply 30 by 1.60934: 30 * 1.60934 = 48.2802.
– Divide the result by 3.78541: 48.2802 / 3.78541 = 12.75.
Step 5: Round the result (optional)
– If desired, round the result to an appropriate number of decimal places. In this case, let’s round to two decimal places: 12.75 ≈ 12.75 km/l.
Step 6: Interpret the result
– The conversion of 30 mpg to km/l is approximately 12.75 km/l.
Therefore, 30 miles per gallon is approximately equal to 12.75 kilometers per liter.