1 1/4 inch to mm

To convert 1 1/4 inch to mm, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by converting the whole number part of the measurement. 1 inch is equal to 25.4 mm.
So, 1 inch = 1 x 25.4 mm = 25.4 mm

2. Next, convert the fractional part of the measurement. 1/4 inch is equal to 6.35 mm.
So, 1/4 inch = 1/4 x 25.4 mm = 6.35 mm

3. Add the two results together to get the final conversion:
25.4 mm + 6.35 mm = 31.75 mm

Therefore, 1 1/4 inch is equal to 31.75 mm.

Real-life example:
If you have a ruler that measures 1 1/4 inches and you want to convert it to millimeters, you would follow the steps above. By converting 1 inch to 25.4 mm and 1/4 inch to 6.35 mm, you would find that the ruler measures 31.75 mm in total.

1. Why do we need to convert units?
Converting units allows us to compare measurements in different systems and make calculations more easily.

2. Can I use a conversion chart instead of calculating the conversion?
Yes, you can use a conversion chart to quickly find the equivalent values, but understanding the calculation process can be helpful for more complex conversions.

3. Is there a shortcut for converting inches to millimeters?
One common shortcut is to remember that 1 inch is approximately equal to 25.4 mm, which can be used for quick estimations.

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