1 cm mm

To convert 1 cm to mm, you need to know that 1 cm is equal to 10 mm. Here is the step by step instruction on how to convert the unit:

1. Identify the conversion factor: In this case, the conversion factor is 1 cm = 10 mm.

2. Set up the conversion equation: To convert cm to mm, you need to multiply the value in cm by the conversion factor. So, the equation would be: 1 cm x 10 mm/cm.

3. Perform the calculation: Multiply 1 cm by 10 mm/cm to get the result in mm.
1 cm x 10 mm/cm = 10 mm.

Therefore, 1 cm is equal to 10 mm.

Real-life example:
If you have a pencil that is 1 cm long, you can convert this length to mm by multiplying 1 cm by 10 mm/cm.
1 cm x 10 mm/cm = 10 mm.
So, the pencil is 10 mm long.

1. Why do we need to convert units?
– Converting units allows us to express measurements in different forms that may be more convenient or appropriate for a particular situation. It also helps in comparing measurements across different systems.

2. Can I convert units without knowing the conversion factor?
– It is important to know the conversion factor in order to accurately convert units. Without the conversion factor, you may end up with incorrect results.

3. Is there a formula for converting units?
– The formula for converting units involves multiplying the value in one unit by the conversion factor to get the equivalent value in the desired unit. It is a simple multiplication process.

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