11 inches to cm

To convert 11 inches to centimeters, we will use the conversion factor of 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters. This means that there are 2.54 centimeters in 1 inch. We can use this information to set up a proportion and solve for the unknown value, which in this case is the measurement in centimeters.

Step 1: Write down the given measurement in inches. In this case, it is 11 inches.

Step 2: Set up a proportion with the given measurement on one side and the conversion factor on the other side. The proportion will look like this: 11 inches / 1 = x centimeters / 2.54 centimeters.

Step 3: To find the value of x, we can use cross-multiplication method. This means that we multiply the numbers diagonally and then divide the product by the remaining number. In this case, it will be (11 inches * 2.54 centimeters) / 1 = x centimeters.

Step 4: Simplify the equation to solve for x. The left side of the equation will become 27.94 centimeters, since 11 * 2.54 = 27.94. Therefore, the value of x is 27.94 centimeters.

Step 5: Write down the final answer in the appropriate unit. In this case, the final answer is 27.94 centimeters. This is the conversion of 11 inches in centimeters.

Therefore, 11 inches is equal to 27.94 centimeters. If you need to convert other values, you can follow the same steps and use the same conversion factor of 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters. This method can be applied to any unit of length conversion, as long as you know the appropriate conversion factor.

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