110 cm to inc

Step 1: Understand the Conversion Formula
Before starting the conversion process, it is important to understand the formula used for converting unit of length. The formula is as follows:

cm to in = cm ÷ 2.54

cm – value in centimeters
in – value in inches
2.54 – conversion factor for centimeters to inches

Step 2: Write down the Given Value
In this case, the given value is 110 cm. Write it down on a piece of paper or the calculator.

Step 3: Substitute the Value in the Formula
Substitute the given value in the formula mentioned in step 1. The calculation will be as follows:

110 cm ÷ 2.54 = 43.307 inch

Step 4: Round Off the Result
As the result includes decimal, it is important to round it off to get a whole number. In this case, round off the result to the nearest whole number, that is 43 inches.

Step 5: Write the Final Answer
Write the final answer by mentioning the converted value and its unit. In this case, the final answer will be:

110 cm = 43 inches

Therefore, 110 cm is equivalent to 43 inches. This is how you convert 110 cm to inches using the conversion formula.

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