14 cm in inches

Step 1: Understand the Conversion Factor
Before we start the conversion, it is important to understand the conversion factor. The conversion factor for converting centimeters (cm) to inches is 1 cm = 0.393701 inches. This means that for every 1 cm, there are 0.393701 inches.

Step 2: Write Down the Given Measurement
In this case, the given measurement is 14 cm. Write it down in the form 14 cm.

Step 3: Set Up the Conversion Equation
To convert 14 cm to inches, we will use the conversion factor. The conversion equation can be written as:
14 cm x 0.393701 inches/1 cm

Step 4: Cancel Out Units and Solve
Next, we need to cancel out the unit cm on the top and bottom of the fraction. This leaves us with:
14 x 0.393701 inches

Step 5: Calculate the Answer
Next, we need to multiply 14 and 0.393701 to get our final answer:
14 x 0.393701 = 5.511814 inches

Step 6: Write Down the Final Answer
Finally, write down the calculated answer with the appropriate units:
14 cm = 5.511814 inches

Step 7: Check Your Answer
To check if your answer is correct, you can use an online converter or multiply the answer by the conversion factor in the reverse order:
5.511814 inches x 1 cm/ 0.393701 inches = 13.99999994 cm ≈ 14 cm (rounding may cause a slight difference)

Congratulations! You have successfully converted 14 cm to inches. Keep practicing to become a pro at converting units of length.

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