160 cm in inches

Step 1: Understand the conversion factor
Conversion factor is the ratio between two different units of measure that are equivalent. In order to convert centimeters to inches, we need to know the conversion factor, which is 2.54 cm = 1 inch.

Step 2: Write down the given value
In this case, the given value is 160 cm.

Step 3: Set up the conversion equation
We can set up the conversion equation as follows:
160 cm * (1 inch / 2.54 cm) = x inches
Note: The unit of cm is written in the denominator because we want it to cancel out and leave us with the unit of inches.

Step 4: Cancel out units
From the conversion equation, we can see that the unit of cm will cancel out, leaving us with only the unit of inches. Therefore, we can rewrite the equation as:
160 * (1 / 2.54) = x inches
Note: We can also simply divide 160 by 2.54 to get the result.

Step 5: Solve for x
Using a calculator, we can solve for x by typing in:
160 / 2.54 = 63.0393700787 inches
Round this answer to the appropriate number of decimal places, depending on the level of accuracy required.

Step 6: Write the final answer
The final answer is:
160 cm = 63.04 inches

Therefore, 160 centimeters is equivalent to 63.04 inches. You can use the same steps to convert any length value from centimeters to inches. Remember, always use the conversion factor (1 inch / 2.54 cm) to set up the conversion equation.

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