16cm in inches

To convert 16cm to inches, you will need to use the following conversion equation: 1cm = 0.393701 inches. This means that every 1cm is equivalent to 0.393701 inches.

Step 1: Write down the given value, which is 16cm.

Step 2: Multiply the given value by the conversion factor of 0.393701. This will give you the equivalent value in inches.

16cm x 0.393701 = 6.299216 inches

Hence, 16cm is equivalent to 6.299216 inches.

Step 3: Round off the final value to the desired number of decimal places. In this case, we will round off to 2 decimal places, giving us the final answer of 6.30 inches.

Therefore, 16cm is equivalent to 6.30 inches.

Note: You can also use an online unit converter or a calculator to perform this conversion if you are not comfortable with manual calculations.

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