18 cm in inches

Step 1: Understand the Conversion Formula
The first step in converting any unit of length is to understand the conversion formula. In this case, we will be converting centimeters (cm) to inches (in). The formula for this conversion is:
1 cm = 0.393701 inches

Step 2: Write Down the Given Value
In this problem, the given value is 18 cm. Write this value down on a piece of paper as a reminder for the next step.

Step 3: Set Up the Conversion Equation
To convert from cm to in, we will use the conversion formula from step 1. The equation for this conversion is:
18 cm x (0.393701 in / 1 cm)

Step 4: Cancel Out Units
In this equation, the unit “cm” appears in both the numerator and denominator of the conversion factor. When this happens, we can cancel out the units and are left with only the units we want to convert to, in this case, “in.”

Step 5: Solve the Equation
After canceling out the units, our equation becomes:
18 x 0.393701 in
Solving this equation, we get the result:
7.086 inches

Step 6: Write the Final Answer
The final step is to write down the final answer in proper format, which is:
18 cm = 7.086 in
Therefore, 18 cm is equal to 7.086 inches.

Step 7: Check Your Answer
To check if your answer is correct, you can convert the answer back to the original unit. In this case, we can convert 7.086 inches back to centimeters using the same formula from step 1:
7.086 in x (1 cm / 0.393701 in) = 18 cm
Since the result is equal to the given value, we can be sure that our answer is correct.

Congratulations! You have successfully converted 18 cm to inches. Keep practicing and you will become an expert in unit conversions in no time.

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