1cm in inches

To convert 1cm to inches, first we need to understand the basic conversion factor between these two units. 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters. This means that we can convert centimeters to inches by dividing the value in centimeters by 2.54.

Step 1: Write down the given value, 1cm.

Step 2: Use the conversion factor 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters to set up a proportion. Write the given value on one side and the conversion factor on the other side as follows:

1 cm = 1 in
2.54 cm x

Step 3: To solve for x, we cross multiply and get:

x = 1 x 2.54
= 2.54 inches

This means that 1cm is equal to 2.54 inches.

Step 4: Round off the answer to the desired precision. In this case, we will round off to two decimal places. Therefore, the final answer is:

1cm = 2.54 inches (rounded to two decimal places)

And that’s it! You have successfully converted 1cm to inches.

You can use the same steps to convert any given value in centimeters to inches. Simply replace the given value in step 1 and follow the remaining steps to get the converted value in inches.

Remember, understanding the basic conversion factor between units is crucial in converting any value accurately. Also, be mindful of the units involved in the given value and the desired unit of conversion. With practice, you will become a pro at converting units of length in no time!

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