22cm into inches

To convert 22cm into inches, we first need to understand the conversion factor between centimeters and inches. The conversion factor is 2.54 centimeters per inch. This means that for every 2.54 centimeters, there is 1 inch.

Now, to convert 22 centimeters into inches, we will use the conversion factor and multiply it by 22. This can be represented as: 22cm x 1 inch/2.54cm. We can cancel out the unit “cm” and are left with 22 x 1/2.54 inches.

Taking into account the order of operations, we first divide 1 by 2.54 which gives us 0.3937. Then, we multiply this value by 22 which gives us 8.66 inches.

Therefore, 22cm is equivalent to 8.66 inches. It is important to always state the unit of measurement in the final answer to avoid confusion.

In summary, to convert centimeters into inches, we need to multiply the value in centimeters by 1 inch and then divide it by the conversion factor of 2.54 centimeters per inch. Remember to always use the conversion factor correctly and state the unit of measurement in the final answer.

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