28 cm in inches

To convert 28 cm to inches, you will need to use the fact that 1 inch is equivalent to 2.54 cm. This means that we can set up a proportion to find the equivalent value in inches. The proportion can be written as:

1 inch / 2.54 cm = x inches / 28 cm

We can solve for x by cross-multiplying and dividing:

(1 inch)(28 cm) = (2.54 cm)(x inches)
28 cm = 2.54x inches
x = 28 cm / 2.54
x = 11.02 inches

Therefore, 28 cm is equivalent to 11.02 inches. To double check our work, we can also use the conversion factor 2.54 cm = 1 inch and divide 28 cm by 2.54 cm to get the same result of 11.02 inches.

So, to convert any value in cm to inches, you simply need to divide the given value in cm by 2.54. For example:

1) Convert 50 cm to inches:
50 cm / 2.54 cm = 19.69 inches

2) Convert 75 cm to inches:
75 cm / 2.54 cm = 29.53 inches

Remember to use the correct units for your answer. In this case, our answer for 28 cm is 11.02 inches. It is important to always state the correct units when converting between different units of measurement to avoid confusion.

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