3 mm to inches

To convert 3 mm to inches, we first need to understand the relationship between these two units of length. One inch is equal to 25.4 millimeters, or in other words, one millimeter is equal to 0.03937 inches.

Step 1: Write down the given value.
Write down the value of 3 mm which we need to convert to inches.

3 mm

Step 2: Set up the conversion equation.
To convert from millimeters to inches, we will use the conversion factor 0.03937 inches per 1 millimeter. This can be written as a fraction:

0.03937 inches / 1 millimeter

Step 3: Cancel out the units.
To convert from millimeters to inches, we need to cancel out the millimeter unit. To do this, we will place the given value of 3 mm in the denominator of the fraction.

0.03937 inches / (1 millimeter / 3 mm)

Step 4: Simplify the fraction.
Simplify the fraction by dividing 1 millimeter by 3 mm, which results in 0.33333.

0.03937 inches / 0.33333

Step 5: Multiply.
Multiply the fraction by the given value of 3 mm.

0.03937 inches / 0.33333 * 3 mm

Step 6: Cancel out the units.
Cancel out the millimeter unit by dividing 3 mm by 3 mm, which results in 1.

0.03937 inches / 0.33333 * 1

Step 7: Calculate the conversion.
Multiply the remaining fraction to calculate the conversion from millimeters to inches.

0.03937 * 3 / 0.33333 = 0.11811

Step 8: Write the final answer.
Express the final answer in a complete sentence, including the unit of measurement.

3 mm is equal to 0.11811 inches.

Therefore, to convert any given length from millimeters to inches, we can use the conversion factor of 0.03937 inches per millimeter to calculate the equivalent value.

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