30cm to in

To convert 30cm to inches, follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Conversion Ratio
In order to convert from centimeters (cm) to inches (in), we need to know the conversion ratio between these two units. The conversion ratio for cm to in is 1 cm = 0.393701 inches.

Step 2: Write the Given Value
In this case, our given value is 30cm. Write this down as 30cm.

Step 3: Set up the Conversion Factor
To begin the conversion process, we need to set up a conversion factor. As we know from Step 1, the conversion ratio for cm to in is 1 cm = 0.393701 inches. We can write this as a fraction: 1 cm/0.393701 in.

Step 4: Cancel out Units
Next, we want to cancel out the unit cm so that we are left with only inches. We do this by multiplying 30cm by the conversion factor from Step 3.

30cm x (1 cm/0.393701 in)

The cm unit cancels out and we are left with:

30 x 1/0.393701 in

Simplifying, we get:

(30 x 1)/0.393701 in = 30/0.393701 in

Step 5: Perform the Calculation
Now, we just need to perform the calculation to get our final answer. Using a calculator, we get:

30/0.393701 = 76.2 in

Step 6: Write the Answer
The final answer is 76.2 inches. Therefore, 30cm is equal to 76.2 inches.

Step 7: Check your Answer
To check if our answer is correct, we can do a quick mental calculation. We know that 1 inch is approximately equal to 2.54 cm. So, 30cm should be approximately equal to (30/2.54) inches, which is about 11.81 inches. Our calculated value of 76.2 inches is close to this estimate, so we can be confident that our answer is correct.

Congratulations, you have successfully converted 30cm to inches using the unit conversion method!

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