31 inch to cm

To convert 31 inches to centimeters, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Recall the Conversion Factor
The conversion factor for converting inches to centimeters is 2.54. This means that 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

Step 2: Write the Given Measurement
In this case, our given measurement is 31 inches. We will use this value in the next step.

Step 3: Set up the Conversion Equation
To convert from inches to centimeters, we can use the formula: inches x conversion factor = centimeters. We will substitute 31 inches for our inch measurement and 2.54 for the conversion factor in the equation.

31 inches x 2.54 = centimeters

Step 4: Solve for Centimeters
Multiply 31 by 2.54 to get the equivalent value in centimeters.

31 inches x 2.54 = 78.74 centimeters

Step 5: Round to the Appropriate Number of Significant Figures
Since our given measurement, 31 inches, has two significant figures, our final answer should also have two significant figures. Therefore, we should round our answer to 79 centimeters.

Step 6: Write the Final Answer
The final conversion is 31 inches = 79 centimeters.

Congratulations! You have successfully converted 31 inches to centimeters. Now you can use these steps to easily convert any length value from inches to centimeters. Remember, always check that your final answer has the correct number of significant figures and units.

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