34 cm to inches

To convert 34 cm to inches, we will use the conversion factor of 1 cm = 0.3937 inches. This means that every 1 cm is equal to 0.3937 inches.

Step 1: Write down the given value in centimeters, which is 34 cm.

Step 2: Set up the conversion factor as a fraction, with cm on the bottom and inches on the top. It should look like this: 1 cm/0.3937 inches.

Step 3: Multiply 34 cm by the conversion factor. This can be done by simply placing 34 on top of the fraction and multiplying across. The calculation will look like this: 34 cm x 1 cm/0.3937 inches = 34/0.3937 inches.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction by dividing the numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) by their greatest common factor, which is 1. The fraction will now become 34/0.3937 inches = 86.419 inches.

Step 5: Round off the final answer to the appropriate number of significant figures. Since the given value has 2 significant figures, the final answer should also have 2 significant figures. Therefore, the final answer is 86 inches.

Step 6: Write the unit of the final answer, which is inches, to complete the conversion. Therefore, 34 cm is equal to 86 inches.

In conclusion, the conversion of 34 cm to inches is 86 inches. By following these steps, you can easily convert any unit of length values from centimeters to inches.

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