39 cm to inches

To convert 39 cm to inches, first remember the conversion factor: 1 inch = 2.54 cm. This means that 1 inch is equivalent to 2.54 centimeters.

Step 1: Write down the given value, 39 cm.

Step 2: Multiply the given value by the conversion factor. 39 cm x (1 inch / 2.54 cm) = 15.354 inches.

Step 3: Round the result to the nearest hundredth place for a more accurate conversion. 15.354 is rounded to 15.35 inches.

Step 4: Write down the answer, 39 cm is equivalent to 15.35 inches.

You can double check your answer by using a conversion calculator or by reversing the conversion process. Since we multiplied by the conversion factor, to convert inches to cm, we would divide by the conversion factor: 15.35 inches / (1 inch / 2.54 cm) = 39 cm.

Congratulations! You have successfully converted 39 cm to inches. Remember to always double check your conversions and to use the correct conversion factor for the units you are converting between.

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