4cm in inches

To convert 4cm to inches, you will follow a simple formula:

Inches = Centimeters * 0.3937

Now, let’s break down the steps to convert 4cm to inches.

Step 1: Write down the formula

Inches = Centimeters * 0.3937

Step 2: Substitute the given value for Centimeters

Inches = 4 * 0.3937

Step 3: Multiply

Inches = 1.5748

Step 4: Round off the answer to 3 decimal places

Inches = 1.574 inches

Therefore, 4cm is equal to 1.574 inches.

Another way to convert is by using the conversion factor.

1 cm = 0.3937 inches

Step 1: Write down the given value and the conversion factor

4 cm * 0.3937 inches/ 1 cm

Step 2: Cancel out the unit “cm”

4 * 0.3937 inches

Step 3: Multiply

1.574 inches

Step 4: Round off the answer to 3 decimal places

1.574 inches

Therefore, 4cm is equal to 1.574 inches.

Both methods will give you the same result. It is important to remember that when converting units, always make sure to cancel out the given unit and use the correct conversion factor. With practice, you will become more comfortable and proficient with unit conversions.

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