5 10 to inches

To convert 5 10 to inches, we first need to understand that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches. Therefore, to convert feet to inches, we simply multiply the number of feet by 12.

Step by step instructions:
1. Start with the given value in feet, which is 5 10.
2. Convert the whole number part, 5 feet, to inches by multiplying it by 12: 5 feet x 12 inches/foot = 60 inches.
3. Convert the fractional part, 10 inches, to inches: 10 inches.
4. Add the two results together: 60 inches + 10 inches = 70 inches.

Therefore, 5 10 is equal to 70 inches.

Real-life example:
If you have a piece of wood that is 5 feet 10 inches long, you can convert this measurement to inches to determine its total length. By following the steps above, you would find that the wood is 70 inches long.

1. Why do we need to convert units?
– Converting units allows us to compare and work with different measurements easily. It helps in standardizing measurements for better understanding and communication.

2. Can I convert any unit to inches using the same method?
– The method of converting units to inches may vary depending on the original unit. However, for converting feet to inches, you can always multiply the number of feet by 12.

3. Is there a shortcut to convert feet to inches?
– Yes, you can simply multiply the number of feet by 12 to get the equivalent length in inches. This is a quick and easy way to convert feet to inches.

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