52 inches in cm

To convert 52 inches to cm, we need to use the conversion factor of 2.54 cm per inch. This means that for every inch, there are 2.54 cm. To convert, we will follow the steps below:

Step 1: Write down the given length in inches, which is 52 inches.

Step 2: Set up the conversion factor as a fraction, with inches on the bottom and cm on the top. This will be 2.54 cm/1 inch.

Step 3: Multiply 52 inches by the conversion factor fraction. This can be done using cross-multiplication, which means multiplying the numerator (52) by the corresponding denominator (1) and dividing it by the other denominator (2.54) to get the final answer.

Step 4: After multiplying, we get 52 x 2.54 = 132.08. This means that 52 inches is equal to 132.08 cm.

Step 5: Finally, write down the answer, rounding it off to the appropriate decimal places. In this case, the answer will be 132.08 cm, or 132 cm rounded to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, 52 inches is equal to 132 cm. This conversion can also be verified by using an online conversion calculator or by dividing 132.08 by 2.54, which should give a result of close to 52 inches.

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