56 in inches

Step 1: Understand the Problem
Before we begin the conversion process, we must understand the problem at hand. The given value is 56 inches and we need to convert it into another unit of length.

Step 2: Identify the Conversion Factor
In order to convert inches to another unit of length, we need to know the conversion factor. The conversion factor for inches to any other unit of length is 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters (cm).

Step 3: Set Up the Conversion Equation
We can now set up the conversion equation using the identified conversion factor. Our equation will be:
56 inches x 2.54 cm = ? cm

Step 4: Solve for the Unknown Value
In the equation, we know the value of inches (56) and the conversion factor (2.54 cm) but we need to find the unknown value, which is in centimeters. To find the unknown value, we simply multiply 56 by 2.54. So our equation now becomes:
56 inches x 2.54 cm = 142.24 cm

Step 5: Determine the Unit of Measurement
Since we are converting inches to centimeters, our final answer will be in centimeters. This means that 56 inches is equal to 142.24 centimeters.

Step 6: Write the Solution
We can now write our solution in a sentence to clearly communicate the result:
56 inches is equal to 142.24 centimeters.

Step 7: Double Check
Once we have completed the conversion, it is always a good idea to double check our work to ensure accuracy. We can do this by using a conversion calculator or manually converting 142.24 cm back to inches. The result should be approximately 56 inches.

Step 8: Final Answer
Our final answer is:
56 inches = 142.24 cm

In conclusion, to convert 56 inches to centimeters, we simply need to multiply the given value by 2.54. Remember to always double check your work and to include the unit of measurement in your final answer for accuracy.

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