To convert 57cm to inches, you will need to use the conversion factor of 1 inch = 2.54cm. This means that for every 1 inch, there are 2.54 centimeters.
Step 1: Write down the given value, 57cm, with a multiplication sign next to it: 57cm x __.
Step 2: Multiply the given value by the conversion factor. Remember to place the given value in the numerator and the conversion factor in the denominator to cancel out the units. This will give us a new equation: 57cm x (1 inch / 2.54cm).
Step 3: Simplify the equation by canceling out the common unit, cm. This will leave us with 57 x (1 inch / 2.54).
Step 4: Multiply the numbers in the numerator and denominator. This will give us a result in inches: 57 x 1 / 2.54 = 57 / 2.54 = 22.44 inches.
Step 5: Round the final answer to the nearest hundredth, which in this case is 22.44 inches.
Therefore, 57cm is equal to 22.44 inches.