58 cm to inches

To convert 58 cm to inches, follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the conversion factor.

To convert from centimeters to inches, we need to use the conversion factor of 1 cm = 0.3937 inches. This means that 1 cm is equal to 0.3937 inches.

Step 2: Write down the known value.

In this case, we know that the length is 58 cm. So, write down 58 cm.

Step 3: Set up the conversion equation.

Using the conversion factor, we can set up the conversion equation as follows:

58 cm = ? inches

Step 4: Substitute the known value into the equation.

Substitute 58 cm for cm in the equation we set up in the previous step.

58 cm = ? inches

Step 5: Solve the equation.

To solve the equation, we can multiply the known value, 58 cm, by the conversion factor, 0.3937 inches.

58 cm x 0.3937 inches = 22.8346 inches

Step 6: Round the final answer.

Since inches is a smaller unit than centimeters, we can round the final answer to make it easier to understand.

22.8346 inches can be rounded to 22.8 inches.

Step 7: Write the final answer.

After rounding, the final answer is 22.8 inches. So, 58 cm is equal to 22.8 inches.

Therefore, 58 cm = 22.8 inches.

You have successfully converted 58 cm to inches using the conversion factor of 1 cm = 0.3937 inches. It is important to note that when converting units of length, always use the appropriate conversion factor and make sure to label the final answer with the correct unit.

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