5inch to cm

To convert 5 inches to centimeters, you will need to use a conversion formula. The formula for converting inches to centimeters is: cm = inches x 2.54. So in order to convert 5 inches to centimeters, we will substitute the value of 5 in for inches in the formula.

Step 1: Write down the conversion formula cm = inches x 2.54.

Step 2: Substitute the value of 5 for inches in the formula, so it will look like this: cm = 5 x 2.54.

Step 3: Simplify the equation by multiplying 5 x 2.54. This will give you the value of 12.7 cm.

Step 4: Write the final answer. Therefore, 5 inches is equal to 12.7 centimeters.

In conclusion, 5 inches is equal to 12.7 centimeters. To convert from inches to centimeters, you simply need to multiply the value in inches by 2.54 to get the equivalent value in centimeters. Remember to always use this conversion formula when converting between inches and centimeters.

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