6 1 in cm

To convert 6 1 in to cm, follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Conversion Factor
The conversion factor between inches and centimeters is 1 inch = 2.54 cm. This means that for every inch, there are 2.54 centimeters.

Step 2: Write Down the Given Measurement
In this case, the given measurement is 6 1 in. Write this down as 6 1 in so that it is easier to keep track of.

Step 3: Convert the Whole Number Inches
Since we are converting 6 1 in, we can start by converting the 6 inches. To do this, simply multiply 6 by the conversion factor, which is 2.54. This gives us 15.24 cm.

Step 4: Convert the Fractional Part of Inches
Since there is a fraction of an inch in the given measurement, we need to convert this as well. To do this, we need to divide the fraction by the conversion factor. In this case, the fraction is 1 in. So, we divide 1 by 2.54, which gives us 0.3937 cm.

Step 5: Add the Converted Values Together
Now, we need to add the converted whole number inches and the converted fractional inches together. In this case, we have 15.24 cm + 0.3937 cm = 15.6337 cm.

Step 6: Round the Final Value
Since the final value has too many decimal places, we can round it to the desired precision. In most cases, converting length measurements require 2 decimal places. So, we can round 15.6337 cm to 15.63 cm.

Step 7: Write the Final Answer
The final answer is 15.63 cm. Remember to include the unit to make it clear that the measurement is now in centimeters, not inches.

In summary, to convert 6 1 in to cm, we first multiplied the whole number of inches by the conversion factor, which is 2.54, to get 15.24 cm. Then, we divided the fraction of inches by the conversion factor, which is 2.54, to get 0.3937 cm. After that, we added the converted values together to get 15.6337 cm. Finally, we rounded this value to 2 decimal places to get the final answer of 15.63 cm.

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