60 cm in inches

To convert 60 cm to inches, it is helpful to know the conversion rate between these two units. 1 cm is equal to 0.393701 inches. With this information, we can create a simple equation to convert from cm to inches: 60 cm * (0.393701 inches / 1 cm). This formula will give us the answer in inches.

Step 1: Write down the given value of 60 cm.

Step 2: Draw a fraction bar and write 0.393701 inches on the top and 1 cm at the bottom of the fraction.

Step 3: Cancel out the common unit of cm between the numerator and denominator.

Step 4: Multiply the numbers on the top and bottom of the fraction. This will give us the converted value of 23.62286 inches.

Step 5: Round off the answer to the desired number of decimal places. In this case, we can round it off to two decimal places.

Step 6: Write the final answer with the unit, which is 23.62 inches.

Therefore, 60 cm is equal to 23.62 inches. This process can be applied to convert any length value from cm to inches.

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