To convert 7 centimeters to inches, follow these steps:
Step 1: Write down the given value in centimeters, which is 7 cm.
Step 2: Recall that 1 centimeter is equivalent to 0.393701 inches. This means that to convert from centimeters to inches, we need to multiply the given value by 0.393701.
Step 3: Set up the conversion equation, where x represents the converted value in inches.
x = 7 cm * 0.393701 in/cm
Step 4: Simplify the equation by canceling out the unit “cm” on the right side.
x = 7 * 0.393701 in
Step 5: Multiply 7 by 0.393701 to get the converted value in inches.
x = 2.755907 in
Step 6: Round off the final answer to the desired number of decimal places, depending on the level of precision required. In this case, we can round off the answer to 3 decimal places.
x = 2.756 in
Step 7: Therefore, 7 centimeters is equivalent to 2.756 inches.
Note: It is always important to keep track of the units and to remember to include the unit “inches” in the final answer to indicate the correct unit of measurement.