72 cm to inches

To convert 72 cm to inches, we first need to understand the relationship between these two units of length. In the metric system, 1 cm (centimeter) is equal to 0.3937 inches. This means that to convert cm to inches, we need to multiply the number of cm by 0.3937.

Step 1: Write down the given measurement.
In this case, we have 72 cm.

Step 2: Write down the conversion factor.
Remember, 1 cm is equal to 0.3937 inches. This is our conversion factor.

Step 3: Set up the conversion equation.
To convert cm to inches, we will use the formula: inches = (cm) x (0.3937)

Step 4: Plug in the given measurement.
Substitute 72 cm in the equation, inches = (72) x (0.3937)

Step 5: Simplify the equation.
When we multiply 72 by 0.3937, we get 28.3464. Therefore, our new equation is: inches = 28.3464

Step 6: Round off the number.
Inches is usually expressed as a whole number, so we can round off the decimal to get a simpler and more accurate value. In this case, we will round 28.3464 to 28.35 inches.

Step 7: Write the final answer.
Therefore, 72 cm is equal to 28.35 inches.

In summary, to convert 72 cm to inches, we follow these steps:
Step 1: Write down the given measurement.
Step 2: Write down the conversion factor.
Step 3: Set up the conversion equation.
Step 4: Plug in the given measurement.
Step 5: Simplify the equation.
Step 6: Round off the number.
Step 7: Write the final answer.

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