74cm in inches

To convert 74cm to inches, you will need to use the conversion ratio of 1cm = 0.3937 inches. This means that for every 1 centimeter, there are 0.3937 inches. With this information, we can easily convert 74cm to inches by following a few simple steps.

Step 1: Write down the given length in centimeters. In this case, it is 74cm.

Step 2: Set up a conversion fraction, with the given unit written on the bottom and the desired unit written on the top. Since we want to convert from centimeters to inches, our conversion fraction will be 1cm/0.3937 inches.

Step 3: Multiply the given length by the conversion fraction. This will cancel out the centimeter unit and leave us with the converted length in inches. In this case, the calculation will be 74cm x (1cm/0.3937 inches) = 74cm x 2.54 = 29.13 inches.

Step 4: Round off the converted length to the desired number of decimal places. Since the answer is a decimal, we can round it off to the nearest hundredth place, which would be 29.13 inches.

Step 5: Write the final answer with the converted unit attached. Therefore, 74cm is equal to 29.13 inches.

In summary, to convert 74cm to inches, you need to multiply the given length in centimeters by 2.54, which is the conversion factor from centimeters to inches. This will give you the converted length in inches, which can be rounded off to the desired number of decimal places. Following these steps will ensure an accurate conversion from centimeters to inches.

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