90 cm

To convert 90 cm to meters, you can use the following steps:

1. Identify the conversion factor between centimeters and meters. 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters.

2. Set up a proportion to convert centimeters to meters:
90 cm = x meters
1 meter = 100 cm

3. Cross multiply to solve for x:
90 * 1 = 100 * x
90 = 100x

4. Divide both sides by 100 to solve for x:
x = 90 / 100
x = 0.9 meters

Therefore, 90 cm is equal to 0.9 meters.

Real-life example:
If you have a piece of fabric that measures 90 cm in length, you can convert it to meters to better understand its size. By converting 90 cm to 0.9 meters, you can visualize the fabric as being approximately 0.9 meters long, which may be easier to conceptualize in terms of clothing or home decor projects.

1. Why do we need to convert units?
Converting units allows us to easily compare and work with different measurements. It helps us to standardize values and make calculations more straightforward.

2. Can I convert units using a calculator?
Yes, you can use a calculator to convert units by following the appropriate conversion factor and steps. However, it’s also beneficial to understand the process manually to ensure accuracy and comprehension.

3. What if I need to convert units that are not commonly used?
For less common unit conversions, you may need to research the appropriate conversion factors or consult a reference guide. Online conversion tools can also be helpful in these situations.

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