centimeters to millimeters

To convert centimeters to millimeters, you need to remember that there are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter. Therefore, to convert centimeters to millimeters, you simply need to multiply the number of centimeters by 10.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to convert centimeters to millimeters:

1. Identify the number of centimeters you want to convert.
2. Multiply the number of centimeters by 10 to get the equivalent number of millimeters.

For example, let’s say you have 5 centimeters that you want to convert to millimeters.

5 centimeters x 10 = 50 millimeters

Therefore, 5 centimeters is equal to 50 millimeters.

1. Why do we need to convert centimeters to millimeters?
– Sometimes, measurements are given in centimeters but you may need to work with millimeters for a specific calculation or comparison. Converting between units allows for easier manipulation of values.

2. Can I convert millimeters to centimeters using the same method?
– Yes, you can convert millimeters to centimeters by dividing the number of millimeters by 10. This is because there are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter.

3. Is there a shortcut to convert centimeters to millimeters?
– Yes, you can simply add a zero to the end of the number of centimeters to get the equivalent number of millimeters. This is because multiplying by 10 is the same as adding a zero.

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