mm to fractional inches

To convert millimeters (mm) to fractional inches, you can follow these steps:

1. Know the conversion factor: 1 inch is equal to 25.4 millimeters.

2. Divide the number of millimeters by 25.4 to get the equivalent number of inches.

3. Convert the decimal inches to a fraction by finding the nearest fraction that is equivalent to the decimal.

For example, let’s convert 50 mm to fractional inches:

50 mm รท 25.4 = 1.9685 inches

To convert 1.9685 inches to a fraction, we can round it to the nearest fraction. In this case, it is closest to 1 31/32 inches.

Therefore, 50 mm is approximately equal to 1 31/32 inches.


Q: Can I use an online converter to convert mm to fractional inches?
A: Yes, there are many online converters available that can quickly and accurately convert mm to fractional inches.

Q: Why do we need to convert units?
A: Converting units allows us to compare and work with measurements in different systems, making it easier to understand and communicate values.

Q: Is there a simple way to remember the conversion factor between mm and inches?
A: One inch is approximately equal to 25.4 millimeters, so you can use this as a rough estimate for conversions.

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