stone to kg to lbs

To convert weight values from stone to kilograms (kg) and pounds (lbs), follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Understand the conversion factors:
– 1 stone = 6.35029 kilograms
– 1 stone = 14 pounds

2. To convert stone to kilograms:
– Multiply the weight value in stone by 6.35029.
– The result will be the weight value in kilograms.

Example: Convert 5 stone to kilograms
5 stone * 6.35029 = 31.75145 kilograms

3. To convert stone to pounds:
– Multiply the weight value in stone by 14.
– The result will be the weight value in pounds.

Example: Convert 5 stone to pounds
5 stone * 14 = 70 pounds

4. To convert kilograms to stone:
– Divide the weight value in kilograms by 6.35029.
– The result will be the weight value in stone.

Example: Convert 31.75145 kilograms to stone
31.75145 kilograms / 6.35029 = 5 stone

5. To convert kilograms to pounds:
– Multiply the weight value in kilograms by 2.20462.
– The result will be the weight value in pounds.

Example: Convert 31.75145 kilograms to pounds
31.75145 kilograms * 2.20462 = 70 pounds

6. To convert pounds to stone:
– Divide the weight value in pounds by 14.
– The result will be the weight value in stone.

Example: Convert 70 pounds to stone
70 pounds / 14 = 5 stone

7. To convert pounds to kilograms:
– Divide the weight value in pounds by 2.20462.
– The result will be the weight value in kilograms.

Example: Convert 70 pounds to kilograms
70 pounds / 2.20462 = 31.75145 kilograms

Remember to round the results to the desired level of precision if necessary.

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