To convert 8 inches to another unit of length, such as centimeters or meters, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Understand the conversion ratio
Before converting, it is important to understand the conversion ratio between inches and the desired unit of length. For example, 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters and 0.0254 meters.
Step 2: Set up the conversion equation
To convert from inches to centimeters, the equation would be:
8 inches x 2.54 centimeters / 1 inch = 20.32 centimeters
To convert from inches to meters, the equation would be:
8 inches x 0.0254 meters / 1 inch = 0.2032 meters
Step 3: Cancel out the common unit
In both equations, the inches unit is present in the numerator and denominator. This can be cancelled out, leaving only the desired unit of centimeters or meters.
Step 4: Solve the equation
Using a calculator or mental math, solve the equation to find the converted value. In this case, 8 inches is equal to 20.32 centimeters or 0.2032 meters.
Step 5: Write the final answer
The final answer would be:
8 inches is equal to 20.32 centimeters or 0.2032 meters.
Therefore, if someone asks you to convert 8 inches to centimeters or meters, you can provide an accurate and precise answer using the steps above.